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Social media policy

Terms for photography re-posting on Social Media


By replying #YesSpinlock you grant Spinlock and our related entities the right to use your photograph you have tagged on social media with @SpinlockHQ @Spinlock_HQ (and when tagged with #Spinlock #BeAdventureProof or other Spinlock related hashtags).
You grant Spinlock and our related entities the right to use your photograph which you have manually submitted using via email or using the contact form at
You are responsible for the content of any photos that you post. Any photo you post will be available to anyone with access to our social media sites, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn.

Spinlock will choose which photographs it wishes to use. By posting a photograph there is no guarantee that Spinlock will choose to use it on any or all Spinlock social media platforms.
Please do not post photos of anyone without their permission (or if they include children, without parent or guardian’s permission).

Spinlock’s Privacy policy is available at
You must own the copyright to the material you post, by using #YesSpinlock you agree to grant us royalty-free rights to publish your photo on any Spinlock social media. You agree that you will not allow any copyrighted material, which is not your own without the express permission of the copyright holder.

How to submit a photograph

1. Social Media submission.
Users tag an image featuring Spinlock products using @SpinlockHQ @Spinlock_HQ #Spinlock #BeAdventureProof or other Spinlock related hashtag. Spinlock will then post a comment to that piece of social media content asking the user to agree to these terms and conditions “Hi @user, great photo! We would love to share it on our social media accounts. Do we have your permission? We will credit you in the caption. If this is ok, please reply #YesSpinlock. Link to Terms and Conditions can be found in our Bio.” The user must comment back on the same piece of content with the hashtag ‘#YesSpinlock’.

2. Manual application
Users can use and upload their own image. You may add relevant information, including social media handles. You may also email Spinlock images directly to In both instances, you must include #YesSpinlock or another statement that approves the use of the image on social media.


If you wish to make a complaint regarding a photograph that may be in breach of copyright or another issue please contact us at While Spinlock have control over Spinlock’s social media, where a photograph is posted on third party sites or accounts it may be out of Spinlock’s control.  In such cases, you will need to contact the third party directly.  


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